
Models & Sizes Disclosures

At the time of writing, we write article based on the product models & available sizes. But stock don’t last for long because of public demand. So We cannot guarantee about product models & sizes

Price Disclosure

  • $ – [ Inexpensive – Around $100 – $300 ]
  • $$ – [ Fairly inexpensive – Around $310- $599 ]
  • $$$ – [ Moderate – Around $600 – $1500 ]
  • $$$$ – [ Fairly Moderate – Around $1501 – $2500 ]
  • $$$$+ [ Expensive – $2501+ ]

Image Disclosures

We have used lots of images on feature images & product images using  paid photos, free stock services & Amazon site stripe method to avoid any kind of issues. If you still need any query about images then feel free to know at peter@xpertchoose.com

Review Disclosures

We’re reviewing products based on specs, features, forums, expert roundups, verified user reviews who used/using that specific products. But its not true that all user will feel the same things for a specific product. That’s why we have highlighted both good & bad things of the product to inform the visitor.

Earnings Disclosures

I think this part should be disclosed to know my visitors how I am earning & managing operating cost of this website.

The earning module is Affiliate Marketing. For those who don’t know about this, if you buy any product through our affiliate link then the merchant give us a minor % as commission.

We spent that commission amount to produce contents & proofreading, hosting rent, stock photos payment etc to make our website updated as per visitors demand.


Availability & Discount Disclosures

Like model & sizes disclosure, We can’t ensure you about availability because its depend on sellers stock. You can message the seller to know when product will available again. As usual for Discount, Seller can offer & changed discount terms & conditions any time as they want. Hope you understood !


Affiliate Disclosures

expertchoose is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com

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